A lot of hiring managers, when asked the question ‘Do you use Video Interviewing technology?’ will answer that they already use Video Interviewing through free live-chat tools like Skype and Zoom.
There are a number of differences between utilising live-chat technologies and platforms such as Vieple. The main difference between a ‘free’ tool like Skype or a paid subscription like Vieple is that Vieple is a recorded (asynchronous) solution, whereas Skype is a live (synchronous) tool. Someone is always required to be on the other end for live-chat to work in a recruitment context.
We thought the best way to highlight the differences between the two was through our infographic below!
If you would like to know more information about the Vieple Video Interviewing tool - please get in touch with us at hello@vieple.com or book your demo into our calendar today!