Tips on How to bring the Human Element to your Virtual Screening Tools

Vieple have seen a massive increase in the number of organisations transitioning to Video Interviews instead of phone interviews over the last couple of years.  Now, due to COVID-19, we see organisations using video interviewing even more to replace traditional assessment centre methods and face to face interviews.  We see organisations such as supermarkets and Government Agencies needing to scale faster than they ever expected, and therefore Video Interviewing has become key in allowing both parties to quickly get to know each other. We are also hearing feedback for the first time about people feeling much safer, having the opportunity to record/watch a video interview so they don’t have to meet face to face. 

As the use of video increases in the hiring process most millennial candidates will be quite savvy with the technology and feel quite comfortable with video interviews. However, it’s still a good idea to ensure that the video interview user experience is an engaging one for candidates of all generations and levels of technical ability. Ultimately, the smoother your user experience, the more of a human connection you will make with your candidates.

We've compiled tips on how you can ensure you're delivering the best candidate experience below and you can reach out and talk to Vieple about what you want to achieve and we can assist you in making your screening process as human as possible.

3 Tips To Ensure a Best Practice Candidate User Experience:

  • Adjust the Video Interview to the demographic you are hiring. With Vieple you can make it easier or harder based on your demographic, things like letting the applicant review the questions prior to commencing, or letting them re-record their answer if they are not happy with the first take. You aren't necessarily measuring how well people can do a Video Interview or how they respond under pressure, you may just want to get to know them better.  If that is the case, make it as easy as possible for those people to get through the Video Interview and let themselves shine through.

  • Communicate your recruitment process clearly on your website and any email communications, including outlining the use of video interview technology. When candidates know what to expect and what is happening next it really eases any anxiety and uncertainty for them.

  • Use Video content in your Video Interview set up. You can use Professional Career Video's showcasing your brand, or can have the Recruitment Team or Hiring Manager record an introduction. Let them know how many questions, how long it may take, what you are looking for, and to smile and let their personality shine through. Don't worry if you don't have access to professional communications teams to record these video's. Mobile phones have great cameras these days and it's more authentic and inline with the candidates experience anyway.

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Vieple has been listed as an essential service provider during this time as we extend our support to major supermarkets and government agencies. Our Australian base is growing as we have hired and scaled our systems to meet the demand in the last fortnight, and our exceptional customer support desk is fully operational and available when you need us.

If you would like help with making your video interviewing process as human as possible, or would like to experience a best practice user experience for yourself, please contact for a demonstration