5 Notable Benefits of Video Interviewing Technology

Video interviewing technology has transformed the way companies conduct their recruitment processes. With the increasing shift towards remote work, employers are now able to remotely and effectively interview candidates using this cutting-edge technology. In this article, we will explore the top five benefits of video interviewing technology that every employer should know.

1. Saves Time and Money

Video interviewing technology saves time and money for both the employer and candidate. Employers no longer have to spend time and money scheduling and conducting in-person interviews. Video interviewing allows employers to review candidates' responses at their own convenience, without having to worry about scheduling conflicts. This makes the hiring process more efficient and cost-effective.

Additionally, candidates save time and money by not having to travel to interviews. Video interviewing technology allows candidates to interview from the comfort of their own homes or offices, eliminating the need for travel expenses.

2. Enhances Candidate Experience

Video interviewing technology enhances the candidate experience by providing a more convenient and efficient interview process. Candidates can interview from anywhere, at any time, without having to worry about scheduling conflicts or travel expenses. This allows candidates to focus on preparing for the interview, rather than worrying about logistics.

Additionally, video interviewing technology allows candidates to showcase their skills and personality in a more natural way. Candidates can express themselves more freely without the pressure of an in-person interview, which can lead to a more authentic and positive candidate experience.

3. Improves Hiring Decisions

Video interviewing technology improves hiring decisions by providing a more comprehensive view of the candidate. Video interviews allow employers to assess a candidate's communication skills, body language, and overall demeanor, which can be difficult to do over the phone or through email.

Additionally, video interviewing technology allows employers to share interview recordings with other members of the hiring team, allowing for a more collaborative hiring process. This can lead to more informed hiring decisions and better overall outcomes.

4. Increases Diversity and Inclusion

Video interviewing technology increases diversity and inclusion by reducing bias in the hiring process. In-person interviews can sometimes lead to unconscious bias, such as judging a candidate based on their appearance or accent. Video interviewing technology allows employers to focus on the candidate's responses and qualifications, rather than superficial factors.

Additionally, video interviewing technology can help to increase the pool of candidates by allowing employers to interview candidates from anywhere in the world. This can lead to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

5. Provides Flexibility

Video interviewing technology provides flexibility for both the employer and candidate. Employers can conduct interviews at any time, from anywhere, without having to worry about scheduling conflicts. This allows for a more efficient and streamlined hiring process.

Additionally, video interviewing technology allows candidates to interview from anywhere, at any time, which can be especially helpful for candidates who are currently employed or have other obligations. This flexibility can lead to a more positive candidate experience and a better overall outcome.


Video interviewing technology has revolutionised the hiring process, providing numerous benefits for both employers and candidates. From saving time and money to improving hiring decisions and increasing diversity and inclusion, video interviewing technology is quickly becoming the preferred method of interviewing for many companies. By embracing this technology, companies can streamline their hiring process, improve candidate experience, and ultimately make better hiring decisions.

With Vieple, you can make online video interviews a core part of your recruitment process and find the perfect candidate for your organisation. Start a free trial today to see what Vieple can do for you.