“We decided that we wanted to engage with our potential graduates in a different way and offer a new experience that will let them, and us, get to know each other better, early in the recruitment process.”
This year Lion introduced video interviewing into our recruitment process for the 1st time.
Video interviewing technology drives efficiencies in the screening process, (no more scheduling of phone interview!) but also enables you to get a more holistic feel for the candidate than what you can achieve through just a telephone interview. Their communication, motivation and presentation skills are all more readily assessed.
Lion are obviously not the only company to embrace this emerging technology, however we believe we are one of the few to try and ensure that the candidates learn more about Lion through the process, that it wasn’t just a one way exchange of information.
Lion did this by embedding one of our graduate videos, profiling the journey of a recent graduate, into the video interview link. Candidates were asked to watch this video prior to completing the interview.
Taking this a step further, we segmented our candidate base by stream and ensured that the video link profiled the graduate of most relevance to the candidate ie a HR graduates journey profiled to HR candidates, a successful NZ graduate (now GM) journey profiled to NZ graduates.
At the heart of this decision sits the Lion engagement model, where we believe that every interaction leaves someone more,or less, engaged with the company (or brand!), the interaction is never a neutral one. We wanted their candidates to be “more” engaged with the company as a result of completing a video interview, not “ less” engaged.
Recruiting the right people is difficult at best of times. It is particularly difficult recruiting the right young talent and demonstrating the real value of working with Lion. In a world of aggressive branding and competition, it is a challenge to differentiate our brand and secure top graduates. This is what drives us to invest in new and innovative recruitment technologies that enhance the experience and engagement of our candidates.
Lion partnered with video interviewing provider, Vieple, for exactly this reason – to drive more efficient recruitment of talent, in a way that provides a better experience for everyone involved. We decided that we wanted to engage with our potential graduates in a different way and offer a new experience that will let them, and us, get to know each other better, early in the recruitment process.
This first experience with video interviewing through Vieple has been a positive one for Lion, and we are certain it has been a positive one for our candidates. Not only have we saved on recruitment resources, we have engaged in a process more conscious of our environment and better catering for our candidates busy lifestyles. We used a simple and efficient technology to facilitate a more valuable experience for everyone involved.